We've got 10 spicy cayenne pepper facts heating up this blog post! Keep on reading below to find out more.
We love the kick of That's it. Apple + Mango + Chili bars, but here's a few quick facts about our favorite spicy addition.
Cayenne Pepper Facts:
- Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper.
- Cayenne pepper originated from South America.
- The cayenne pepper plant grows to about 2-4 feet tall.
- We typically see cayenne pepper in its ground form.
- Immature cayenne pepper is green, which is also known as hot pepper.
- Cayenne peppers are actually hotter when they are more mature, in their red form.
- Cayenne pepper is available all year round.
- Cayenne pepper has been known to be used for medicinal purposes.
- Cayenne pepper is high in capsaicin, which is also an active ingredient in pepper spray.
- Cayenne pepper has many health benefits, one of which includes increasing metabolism to aid weight loss.
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