Lemons are a staple citrus fruit, commonly used for drinks, garnish, and many other purposes. Want to learn more lemon facts? Keep reading.

The more you know about food, the better able you are to prepare your lifestyle for healthy eating. With this in mind, here are 10 interesting facts about Lemons!
Lemon Facts:
- Lemons are native to Asia.
- Lemons are a hybrid between a sour orange and a citron.
- Lemons are rich in vitamin C.
- Lemons trees can produce up to 600lbs of lemons every year.
- Lemon trees produce fruit all year round.
- Lemon zest, grated rinds, is often used in baking.
- Lemon tree leaves can be used to make tea.
- The high acidity of lemons make them good cleaning aids.
- California and Arizona produces most of the United States’ lemon crop.
- The most common types of lemons are the Meyer, Eureka, and Lisbon lemons.
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